Mar 30, 2022
This week on Trials & Trebuchets, the Students listen to lovestories both real and imagined, question what they did to win, and investigate some weird bathtub!
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Autumn's Mend Part...
Mar 23, 2022
This week on Trials & Trebuchets, the Students sit idly by while hearts are won back and then crawl into an ice hole to fight their nemesis!
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Autumn's Mend Part...
Mar 21, 2022
Today (well yesterday), we celebrate the host with most Nathan! And the best celebration is making them run a game of John Battle's Sci-Fi bounty hunting game Vultures!! This ain't your mom's episode, but you can bet it is your space mom's!!
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If you enjoyed this...
Mar 20, 2022
[Spoilers Episode 164]
This time on Conversations & Catapults, the Players discuss their toad trades, the loitering royals, and the gala-goings-on!
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Conversations & Catapults Part 20